Monthly Archives: July 2017


Bhagavad Vishayam – Can a soul be seen with our eyes? Is that possible?

We hear at times that some people meditate and see their soul or energy source travel from within their body upwards till their forehead and so on. But, is that possible? Can anyone see their Soul? The answer is – No! The soul can be realised, meaning it can be understood of its nature and [...]

Bhagavad Vishayam – Can a soul be seen with our eyes? Is that possible?2017-07-19T11:19:35+00:00

HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Ahobila Swamiji Spreading Message of Ramanujacharaya

HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Ahobila Swamiji have been touring through various districts within Telangana and have been spreading the divine message of Sri Ramanujacharya Swamiji’s 1000th Sahasrabdi celebrations. The events at Suryapet and other districts are part of their auspicious travels. The events conducted at various districts have been a grand success. The [...]

HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Ahobila Swamiji Spreading Message of Ramanujacharaya2017-07-19T06:24:23+00:00

Bhagavad Vishayam – Do we accept Bhagavad Githa because it is said by Sri Krushna or is there any other reason? Read on to know the answer!

Lakhs and lakhs of people across the world accept and read Bhagavad Githa. Is it because it was said by Sri Krushna? No! We accept it because it is in agreement with Vedam, our primary pramanam (source of knowledge). It is so important to understand the significance of pramanam, the Vedam here. We accept the [...]

Bhagavad Vishayam – Do we accept Bhagavad Githa because it is said by Sri Krushna or is there any other reason? Read on to know the answer!2017-07-18T09:35:51+00:00

Bhagavad Vishayam – Do we accept Bhagavad Githa because it is said by Sri Krushnaoris there any other reason? Read on to know the answer!

Lakhs and lakhs of people across the world accept and read Bhagavad Githa. Is it because it was said by Sri Krushna? No! We accept it because it is in agreement with Vedam, our primary pramanam (source of knowledge). It is so important to understand the significance of pramanam, the Vedam here. We accept [...]

Bhagavad Vishayam – Do we accept Bhagavad Githa because it is said by Sri Krushnaoris there any other reason? Read on to know the answer!2018-11-19T08:20:07+00:00

Bhagavad Vishayam – Why should anyone think beyond this body?

We all wonder about what exactly is the reason to think beyond this body. Is it necessary? Can we just live by each moment and experience whatever comes across and die on a day like anyone, not worrying about anything else beyond this. Imagine you are mountaineering to Mukthinath carrying a backpack. You have been [...]

Bhagavad Vishayam – Why should anyone think beyond this body?2017-07-16T05:58:36+00:00

We look up to Sri Rama as an ideal human being and an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Why did HE send Sitha Devi into the forests when she was pregnant, a woman who believed in HIM to take care of her for her entire life? Is it fair that he reacts so much to a mere comment from a single person in his kingdom?

Is it fair that Sri Rama sent Sitha Devi away into forests? Sri Rama is a Chakravarthi, a ruler. A ruler’s duty does not begin and end at a specific point in a day. His primary responsibility is to ensure every person is happy under his rule at all times. Even a single penny taken [...]

We look up to Sri Rama as an ideal human being and an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Why did HE send Sitha Devi into the forests when she was pregnant, a woman who believed in HIM to take care of her for her entire life? Is it fair that he reacts so much to a mere comment from a single person in his kingdom?2017-07-15T05:15:07+00:00

Pramanam is something that helps in perceiving knowledge. What are the types of Pramanam that exist?

Brief excerpt of today’s discourse: Knowledge that is perceived through sensory organs is called ‘Pratyaksha Pramanam’. For example: Knowledge about food is obtained through the taste of it using tongue. But, when our body suffers from an ailment and the temperature rises high, the food that used to be tasty becomes tasteless or even intolerable. [...]

Pramanam is something that helps in perceiving knowledge. What are the types of Pramanam that exist?2017-07-13T13:03:36+00:00

Bharatanatyam Arangetram – Dance, an art of expression dedicated beautifully at the feet of Acharya on Guru Purninma !

Anagha Tadepalli is an 8 year old girl who is seen with her brother and mother quite a lot in the JIVA, asram. She lives in Chennai, but attends all the major events in the asram with her family. She does not attend regular school, but is schooled at her home by her mother, Padmashree [...]

Bharatanatyam Arangetram – Dance, an art of expression dedicated beautifully at the feet of Acharya on Guru Purninma !2017-07-13T06:40:47+00:00

Bhagavad Vishayam – When is One Called Truly Knowledgeable?

Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, personification of divine knowledge and pure love is gracing us these two months with discourses on Bhagavad Vishayam, the king of all knowledge – the songs composed by Nammalwar 5000 years ago which carry the essence of Vedam in a beautiful way. While Nammalwar is the mother who gave birth to [...]

Bhagavad Vishayam – When is One Called Truly Knowledgeable?2017-07-12T10:42:16+00:00