Veda Bhavanam

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Sri Venkateshwara Kalyanam and Tondaradippodi Alwar thirunakshatram celebrations @ Vedabhavanam

On 7th Jan 2016, Veda Bhavan. Sri Venkateshwara Kalyanam and Tondaradippodi Alwar thirunakshatram celebrations were grandly celebrated in Veda Bhavan at 10:30am. Guru garu and vedic students performed Kalyanam and they provided puja material to Ubhyadaras of the kalyanam. Different VT unit members, Venkateshwara sharanagathi Diksha members, Ch. Ayodya Rama rao ,Dr B.Jaganath Reddy, B.V. Rao and  Dist VT members [...]

Sri Venkateshwara Kalyanam and Tondaradippodi Alwar thirunakshatram celebrations @ Vedabhavanam2016-03-19T13:48:31+00:00

JIVA Gurukulam Students Gift to Swamiji on HH Thirunakshathram

On 29 Oct 2014 A miniature version of the Ramanuja Sahasrabdi project was displayed in JIVA campus during the Thirunakshathra celebrations of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. Our JIVA Gurukulam students under the direction of two artists constructed the miniature version of Statue of Equality  in less than 6 days as a gift to HH Sri [...]

JIVA Gurukulam Students Gift to Swamiji on HH Thirunakshathram2016-03-19T13:53:53+00:00