Comment on Dr. Ambedkar’s Inspiration by Arun Prasanth
Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
In the June 3rd issue of Bahishkrit Bharat, a magazine founded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in 1927, he shared a powerful story about Sri Ramanujacharya and how it deeply inspired him to serve society for the greater good. The story goes that Ramanujacharya once invited his guru, Thirukkacchi Nambi, to his home. Source: JIVA Shamshabad [...]
Jai jai srimannarayana ADIYEN RAMANUJA DASI ASMAD GURUBHYO NAMAHA This article is a profound reflection on the impact of music on our minds and souls. In today’s fast-paced digital world, where instant gratification often takes precedence over mindful engagement, it is refreshing to see an emphasis on the enduring value of traditional music. The comparison [...]
There is a saying that goes… sisurve:tthi pasurve:tthi ve:tthi ga:narasam phanihi music captivates everyone: a baby, an animal and a poisonous snake too In today's world, music lovers have an endless array of genres to choose from, including classical, folk, Bollywood, Indi-pop, fusion, rock, hip-hop, dance, country, rap, and more. Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
Good deeds, acts will be done by those who are blessed by God. I pray Lord Dhanvantari to bless the blessed person of this service. My pranamams 🙏 Source: JIVA Shamshabad News
A lot of the people have a slightly misconceived notion that Vedic way of life restricts one from earning money. While Vedantha speaks of the ultimate purpose of life that does not involve money, the ultimate purpose of life does not imply abstinence from earning. Attharhva Veda says… satham hastha Source: JIVA Shamshabad News