Monthly Archives: August 2022


Bharath’s Leadership At 75

Bha:rath has celebrated 25, 50, 60 and 70 years of Independence. However, 75 years of Independence - Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is awakening everyone with a spirit of oneness with Har Ghar ka Tiranga. Such a spirit can come only when there is an encouraging leadership in the nation.  PM Sri Narendra Modi ji Source: [...]

Bharath’s Leadership At 752022-08-15T15:03:52+00:00

Hayagriva Jayanthi, Sravana Purnima, The Day of Knowledge

People these days are celebrating Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Siblings Day and others. Sra:vana Pu:rnima, this day must be celebrated as the Day of Knowledge. Because it is the Appearance Day of God as Hayagri:va Swami who protected and preserved Ve:das. The Lord in the form of Hayagri:va Swami bestowed the four-headed Bramha with Source: [...]

Hayagriva Jayanthi, Sravana Purnima, The Day of Knowledge2022-08-11T14:29:07+00:00