Monthly Archives: March 2022


Proximity to Paramathma

Parma:thma, the supreme being is an everlasting experienceable blissful truth. If you have a genuine desire to attain proximity to God, samhitha and many other parts of the Vedas give you the means… Archakasya thu ma:ha:thmya:th pu:jya bimbasya saushttava:th | Pu:jo:pakaranais chaiva thribhis sa:nnidhyam uchyathe: || Padma Samhitha Source: JIVA Shamshabad News

Proximity to Paramathma2022-03-22T04:58:24+00:00

Questions from Media and Swamiji’s Responses

Is someone purposely pointing out your statements on Sammakka Saaralamma in a video snippet that has gone viral recently and debated upon on TVs? What is the context? We belong to the sampradaya which gave and continues to give tribals and women the utmost importance. We will never demean them and are not in Source: [...]

Questions from Media and Swamiji’s Responses2022-03-20T14:27:58+00:00

World Respects Women, Veda Worships Women

The world is talking about respecting women by calling out World Women’s Day on 8th March. Vedas did not stop at respecting but took a step further and preached worshipping women. Today was when Maha Lakshmi emerged from the ocean of milk and took Her position in Lord's heart. She graced all the women Source: [...]

World Respects Women, Veda Worships Women2022-03-19T08:02:54+00:00

Mother Padmavathi and Mother Bhudevi

Universal mother Padmavathi is the personification of prosperity, sampada. She also exists as Bhudevi, personification of patience, sahanam. She also reveals Herself in various other forms like Neeladevi, personification of beauty. Unless Lord Srimannarayana unites with Mother, His glory does not shine. If something does not shine, we cannot comprehend it completely. Hence, the Source: [...]

Mother Padmavathi and Mother Bhudevi2022-03-16T15:21:58+00:00

Duration for a Diksha

People take on a di:ksha to build internal strength and help attain their goals. Some di:kshas are for a duration of 1 week, 15 days, 18 days, 27 days, or 40 days, etc. The most common duration for di:ksha is 40 days and is called mandala di:ksha. Does duration for Source: JIVA Shamshabad News

Duration for a Diksha2022-03-14T14:33:05+00:00