Monthly Archives: October 2018


Nanda or Nandananda !!?

It was a beautiful morning in Vrindavan. A scholar was passing by little Krushna’s house. He noticed Krushna trying to cross the sill (gadapa, threshold at bottom of the main door frame) of the house to go out and play. However, every attempt he made put him back on the same side of the door. Source: [...]

Nanda or Nandananda !!?2018-10-07T13:14:25+00:00

Can a rakshasa be devoted to Vishnu?

Devotee of Vishnu is one who recognises Vishnu as the supporter of the entire existence. It is not the body that determines if one is a Vaishnava or not. The Prahladahad had abody of rakshasa, but is a great devotee of Vishnu. Not only a rakshasa, even a few animals such as Jatayu, Gajendra Source: [...]

Can a rakshasa be devoted to Vishnu?2018-10-05T09:27:26+00:00